Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Our Choice

My new federal privacy law is: " People are born with the right to privacy unless guilty of a crime"

I think what might happen during the possible process of judicial review, is that an arguement might come up about my law. Im sure they could come up with many different ways in going around this law so that everyone could have privacy even if they commited a crime and were found guilty.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blog Reflection

What I am most proud of with my blogs is how i came up with all different stories. In a few of the blogs I picked stuff that I was actually interested in and connected it with what we were learning in class. I think that on my future blogs I could improve on expanding and adding more detail to what I'm writing. I need to use more "show instead of tell" writing so the reader can visualize what I am saying. I think a way that we can better connect our blogs would be to add more pictures, videos and relate them to other classmates blogs. I think that we can look at our peers blogs and pick one that connects with ours. That might also help us learn more about what we are blogging on, and give us different perspectives of the situation. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sarah Palin

Sliming Palin
September 8, 2008

"False Internet claims and rumors fly about McCain's running mate. " Factcheck.org

On Factcheck.org they have an article on Sarah Palin and all the misleading rumors about her. On of the things said was that she took money away from disabled kids but the truth was she gave them money. It also said she was making Liberians lose their jobs and that was totally false. This definitely changed the opinions of people when coming to voting for their next president. Now knowing the truth it makes me change my opinion about her, and makes me think more positive of her.

Federal Government

September 17, 2008

The Stock Market dropped dramatically on Wednesday morning, leaving stock investors shocked. "On Monday, the American stock market suffered its worst single session since the days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks." says NY Times. I think that the people who invested in the stocks need to deal with the drop themselves. They are the ones that invested in it. It is like gambling because you never know what the turn out will be.
Published: September 17, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Free One!!!

The B Spears!!!

So i was on TMZ.com tonight looking at any interesting story's to see if any of them related to what we have been learning in class. If you don't know TMZ is a celeb gossip web site with all the latest news. There are two stories that stuck out to me the most. The first one is of Britney Spears and her family. So Jamie Lynn and Britney where supposed to be flying into LAX airport. They did fly into the airport bu secretly exited the plan before any paparazzi could get to them. Sadly the LA police department had to get someone off the plan who looked similar to Jamie so that the paparazzi would focus on the fake Jamie instead of the real one. So this faux Jamie got off the plan and the paparazzi were all over her even though it wasn't even her. I think that is so sad that that is what celebrities have to go through these days. It gives them no freedom to go anywhere. I think that this connects to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These stars are living a great life but these crazy paparazzi aren't letting them peruse a good life because they get followed EVERYWHERE.
Here is the link to the video of the fake Jamie Lynn.

The Jo Bros

Jonas Bros -- Lords of the Purity Rings
Posted Sep 11th 2008 1:12PM by TMZ Staff

The second article that stuck out to me was the controversy on the VMA's about the AMAZING Jonas brothers and their promise ring. Everyone knows that these boys are every girls DREAM and on the VMA'S Russell Brand made a huge deal about how these boys have promise rings and how dumb that is. Now I know not everyone agrees with this but if that's what the boys want no one should be telling them different. Its like Brand isn't letting them live how they want to and not letting them pursue their happiness on how they want to live.

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Federalists and Anti-Federalists

Federalists and Anti-Federalists
1997 Jonathan Chin & Alan Stern

Thesis: The Anti Federalist and the Federalists are two different groups with two different ideas.
The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists are totally 2 different groups of people. The Federalists are the higher class, and the Anti-Federalists are the lower class that make up the working class. The Anti-Federalists don't support a strong government while the Federalist do.

This is what the Anti Federalist believe:

  • There was no bill of rights

  • The government could not maintain the army

  • The congress and executive branch had to much power

  • They thought the government was intimidating
This is what the Federalists believe:
  • The separation of powers into 3 different branches would protect peoples rights

  • More organized in what they were trying to accomplish

  • The Bill of Rights was signed and they feel it is important

This connects to the class because we have been talking a lot about peoples rights and this is based on the rights and opinions of the people.

This also has to do a lot with the presidential election. The Democrats and the Republicans want too different things. They each believe in different ways of running the country and that's a lot like how the Federalists and the Anti Federalists are.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness

Abramoff Is Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison
Published: September 4, 2008

Mr. Abramoff
By reading this article, it seems to me that the thesis is just telling that this unknown man has taken millions of dollars away from the Indians. I was looking through the New York Times web site and came a long this title of the article, " Abramoff Is Sentenced To 4 Years in Prison." My first thought was who is this mystery man Abramoff. I have never heard of him before and now he is suddenly headlining NY Times. The second thought that went through my mind was that this title just brings me back the Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness. When we read the article by Thomas Paine, I know that it was one of the main things he was talking about. I don't nessisarly agree that after stealing millions of dollars, that this man should be happy. I think this definitely relates to our class right now because of our discussion of Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness. A quote that Mr. Abramoff said was “Families and children suffered much pain because of this man,” and i definitely don't think that anyone should suffer because they are born with the right of the Pursuit of Happiness.


McCain Vows to End ‘Partisan Rancor,’ Seizing Theme of Change From Rival
Published: September 4, 2008


In my own words the thesis of this article would be " John McCain firmly believes he has a lead over Obama in the election" .As Mr. McCain spoke tonight, all that went through my head was the word "fight". The New York times says the word "fight" came up 43 times in his speech. The stories of McCain's child hood also took over a large part. The speech was interrupted several times by protesters against war. These people were carried out of the stadium with there poster torn in half. What I see from McCain is a huge supporter of war. I don't necessarily think that a lot of people are going to agree with this man about the War. It seemed to me that all he wanted to do himself was go and fight in the war. Here is a quote from Mr. McCain. “Stand up, stand up, stand up and fight,” he said at the end of his speech. “Nothing is inevitable here. We’re Americans, and we never give up. We never quit. We never hide from history. We make history.” I think this definitely relates to our humanities class because i know that we will be learning about current events such as war and maybe even politics.