Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Internship Photo Essay!

Dove Apparel isn’t your average work place. The company is a nursing scrubs retailer; their main stream of business is selling their uniforms to schools such as SDSU for nursing students. About 10 people work in the office daily, making it a fun and relaxed environment in which everybody knows each other. It’s not exactly what you picture when you think of a 9 to 4 job. When I first started this internship I was told I was going to be making a fitting guide video for nursing scrubs. This video would be placed on the Dove website, so that customers can now see the proper way to measure and the company will also not get so many returns because of improper measurements.

Day one of immersion starts, I was kind of nervous to start filming considering I’m not that great with editing videos. We defiantly thought that we were prepared for the filming but it didn’t seem to be turning out so well. We decided to meet at HTHMA. We reserved the conference room because we thought it would be cool to have our own space to film. We realized that we didn’t have any models that day to do the measuring, so of course my mentor Lindy had Amanda and I be the actors. We played back the video when we were done filming and the lighting was not good. We decided we needed to relocate.

Dance Place San Diego was our next destination for the filming, so we used my mom’s ballet studio as a recording spot, the lighting got better so we decided to try re-fliming, this time we used Lindys husband Mike for our model. He did very well. We went back to watch our video and again the lighting was terrible. Lindy, Amanda and I were stuck and had know more ideas for shooting. Then we all realized there was the perfect filming site, and that was right at our internship.

All of us defiantly didn’t even think about the one small room in Dove that has all the equipment needed for a video; it has proper lighting, reflectors, a video camera, and a blank white back drop. It was perfect. We started the filming using many different variations of lighting. We tried the blinds open, blinds closed, being closer, than farther away from the light. Also, a big difference was the color of the clothes we wore. We ended up getting the perfect lighting and came out with a great video.

At the end of immersion, I realized how extremely beneficial it was to have this time to film our video. At the beginning of internship I thought this video would be finished so fast, but it is a lot harder than I would have ever thought. Even though some days went by slow, it was worth it. I have learned what it is like to be working in the real world and I think every high school student should be able to do this. I have gained so much experience, not only making films, but with retail, clothing and what it is like to be at a 9 to 4 job.

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